Suoramarkkinointi MEGA

Suoramarkkinointi Megafounded in 1986, is a constantly developing pioneer in the telemarketing business. We operate on 15 locations in Finland. 

We generate more than 5 million customer contacts each year for numerous clients in many different industries. 

Our well-developed call system guarantees effectivity and precise information gathering in the manner of your choosing. The customer information can be transferred directly to Your own system and thus You’re able to follow the statistics in real time. 

We Belong to the Alma Media Concern

We belong to the Alma Talent business unit, which is part of the strongly developing Alma Media Oyj concern. Alma Talent is a versatile media family, a comprehensive information service, and an efficient business and competence developer. They are a multi-channel and international agencythe main products include magazines, books, web services, events, and training services. 

Alma Talent is found on 

The Power of Telemarketing

Our services are built on personal contact via phone. The phone is the single best tool for gathering answers, conducting research and questionnaires, generating sales or leads, and getting answers fast – preferably positive ones.

Mega’s telemarketing results are exceptional, reach is high, and there is no need for large initial investments. We begin with a simple test run and make decisions for a larger collaboration based on the results.

Sales Service 

We do telemarketing for both B2B and B2C businesses with the help of more than 300 salespeople. Each month we literally perform hundreds of thousands of sales callsWe have industry leading tools at our disposal, and our salespeople and coaches are extremely knowledgeable. 


Invites, Leads, and Sales Bookings 

Few salespeople make sales from cold contacts. Leave the appointment arrangements to us and free some time for Your salespersons to handle crucial appointments. Our booking services will find the best leads for Your salespeople to make a profitable sale. This way You save up on resources and maximise Your sales efforts! 

Market Research Interviews and Purchase Potential 

Do your products and services meet Your customers’ constantly changing needs and expectations? Discover business areas that need developmentfind out customers’ true needs and what their buying potential is trough high-quality telephone surveys. You may receive surprising information or answers to questions You didn’t even think of asking! Our serving and professional attitude on the phone ensures reliable and useful results! 

Building and Refining Your Customer Register 

 We’ll build a customer register according to Your needs and we are great at finding interesting segments both fast and effectively. During this process Your register will be updated with valuable contacts that are most likely to actually meet your needs and ultimately convert. 

Contact us and we'll tell you more!