Sales Professional

Suoramarkkinointi Mega Oy is 38 years old, Finland’s leading company specialized in telemarketing and customer service. We have offices in 15 locations around Finland and a virtual office for our remote employees. We are a strong part of the rapidly developing Alma Media Oyj conglomerate’s Alma Talent business unit. Our mission is to help businesses grow and succeed. Telemarketing is an excellent channel for this.

+30 years


Experience from thousands of projects


Over 5 million customer contacts annually


The fundamental pillar of our operation


Our mission of honor

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Working at Mega is super fun! It’s a neat indoor job where you get to use both your mouth and your brain. You will learn skills that will surely benefit you in different phases of your life. You can influence your working hours and salary, which you conveniently receive twice a month. You can now also work remotely at Mega. Read more!